Tuesday 29 November 2011

Skerryvore Info-graphic

Rationale and the Info-graphic

For this project I decided after much thought to go with the Trad Rock band “Skerryvore”, they are a Glasgow based band that are currently on their own record label. I will give a brief history of them, as this is where my research began and shaped the project. The band consisted of two members at the beginning - Martin (bagpipes) and brother, Daniel (accordion). They soon progressed to a 4 man band and later to a 6 man band with the addition of – Fraser (drums), Craig (fiddle), Barry (bass) and Alec (singer and guitar). These additions brought extra instruments and in turn this started to shape the music they band were playing.

The first album consisted of many highland jigs and traditional Scottish music, but later they developed into a band that was making music that rock at its heart. This change made them completely unique, and I felt this was because of the instruments they were using. This is what I decided to base my info – graphic on, the change in the use of instruments throughout their three albums. I set myself a brief that the graphic must be both traditional in its Scotishness but also had a modern (probs not the right word, oh well) twist to it.

I started correlating the information and I want to display this in a meaningful way, I started with bar graphs etc. and then came up with the concept of having all the used instruments for each album incorporated into the image for them. I wanted to simply give the feeling of the instruments involve but not literally show them in a solitary form.

 The background I had chosen must be within the constraints of being a traditional Scottish feeling, I went for a sort of blue tartan effect which is not to bold, it fades away against the other colours but shows its relevance. The rest of the colour scheme I have chosen because I wanted to show the development of the albums from traditional to modern through the change in colour. The font choice I had much though put into, I looked at Celtic typefaces but decided to go with a clean sans serif to help in keep with the modern twist on traditional. I have split the syllables up also to add some visual interest into the design.

One thing I made sure I did not do was over-complicate the design, I wanted the graphic to be representative of their music, i.e. not have too many words, or gimmicks. That is why there are simply the three statistics the band name and topic and a small scale showing how the music has progressed.

The shortened rationale of the piece is that it should
·         convey the traditional Scottish vibe while keeping modern feel (like there music)
·         be bold and simplistic in showing the information in a way that is different (like the band is different)
·         include some sort of instrument based imagery
·         convey a feeling of the band and how they play there music

Since we all need four comments on our blog by 5pm today and I’ve already done all mine at 1am, please comment away and be nice please…..

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Rip it up and start again

An info graphic for "Life Insurance Finder"

It is reasonably easy to understand, due to the info graphic being very literal, i.e.there is a picture of a skull along with the symbolic meaning of the skull -  simple. There is too much information as some is needed, but a lot isn’t, they could cut down the amount of symbols in it, and show maybe a few from each category. Yes there is a clear focus; it is clearly marked as being about gravestones and the pictograms on gravestones. However on further reading it is brought to us by “Life insurance finder” which is not apparent in it when you first look at it.
The titles help with understanding the meaning of it, but you do need to take a closer look to understand the meanings of all the pictograms, without looking at the print it is just a bunch of death based images.

From looking at it, it is clear that it shows most of the symbols that are used on gravestones, when you look closely at it, there is more information about what the symbols are – this is where you learn from the information. The small print, i.e. the text is the part that gets across the message and gives the interesting information and allows you to learn.
The designer has engaged the user by creating a theme of a ghostly graveyard and the idea of death; the symbols are interesting so it is visually interesting. I wouldn’t say that it is successful because there is so much information, it’s not needed. The information at first looks interesting, but it’s not engaging enough to make you read all the information- 5p a4pages – they could get the message across better on a different format. This is a graphic for online use due to its layout.
The target user is very general, although the company is for finding life insurance – I don’t feel the imagery of death and gravestones is great for targeting people looking to insure their life.
The format of the design is 5 vertical a4 pages joined together to make a long thin gravestone effect. I would say by the way it works that it would be an online document. There isn’t much white space and is jammed packed full of information. There does seem to be a look of a list, the eye is lead from top to bottom through the use of the hierarchy of the titles and subtitles. There is a difficulty when trying to focus on a certain part of the information, the use too many colours, too many subheadings, too many pictograms. The information is all there but it is not easy to get through and decipher, they could have shown it in a more summarised way. The text is all contrasting, which works.

Gill Sans- Subheading

Hand drawn– Heading

Courier - Text

The title being hand drawn and stylized like a sketchy look conveys the feeling of death well as it is ugly and messy, a bit like you would imagine death. Gill sans is used in contrast to the hand drawn text, it is very clean and is more used to help with clarity of information. The regimented look of it does go well with the overall appeal of the graphic; it helps give a gothic feel to it.
The courier type looks like it’s straight out of a typewriter, makes it all look very old, coupled with the background colour this works to convey the feeling of old age.

The symbols are easy and simple to understand; at first glance you wouldn’t know the symbolism behind it, so you have to actually look at the text underneath it get the meaning of it. The symbols aren’t all literal, some are symbolic, which works only because it is what is used on gravestones. The background communicates death, along with the graveyard gates at the top. The text compliments the images well and vice versa.
Colour , it successfully splits the text up, but there is no meaning, it would look the same in black and white, has no real use in making the meaning clearer. The primary role of the colour is to split up the content; I would say this has been done particularly poorly, with no real reasoning behind the colour choices.
The text and the imagery all confer to the same meaning; they are chosen to complement each other in a way to make it look old and like drawings on caves drawn by cavemen. This presents a link to the research that the designer had done. Although I am not sure that the designer did much in the way of research, in my opinion the graphic has been designed by someone who went with their first idea, and had a clear idea in there head what they wanted it to look like, but were happy with their first design.

The style of the graphics do work, they are detailed and in black, which makes them look like there etched of stone, like the way they would be on a gravestone. There is a slight feeling of art nouveau but not enough to say it has been influenced by it. The graphic has be designed to simply look like an old gravestone, this is the style in which it is in, there is not great reference of a period or a movement, but I think this is because they really just wanted to replicate the look of a gravestone and not really think  about anything from a design perspective.

The designer would have looked back in time at more historical designs, looking at how headstones are laid out. Is there a grid? How does the text interact with the symbols? Is there a certain colour scheme? Are a few of the questions the designer would be looking to find the answer to. For the symbols the designer would have would have look at pictogram designs, in particular primal ones and ones that have been already used on gravestones. When conducting the research the designer would have taken a visit to the graveyard and sketched the stones and built up a general feeling of what the graphic should be based on. Although I highly doubt that they did this, I can see the use of Google was high on the agenda of the designer, which is disappointing and helps result in a poor design. The graphic has been clearly format driven, it is to be used as an online resource as it is easy to scroll through, but in print it is ugly and jam packed. I feel there should have been a lot more thought in the design and the stage of finalising the design has been missed out, as there are many flaws in the design itself.

Tuesday 8 November 2011

How do i get there?

My journey to uni' everyday is a tale of two sides. First of all, i get up far too early (6.30AM) and head down to get my bus. The Parks bus is huge and yellow and is very easy to see in the morning, compared to other motorists. It picks me up on Kirk Street, it then descends down all the country roads, stopping every two minutes it seems. This part of the journey is very dark and cold, many sharp twisting bends coupled with the constant braking to collect people at there stops, means i can never get in a sleep. 
The second part of my journey is a completely different tale. Once we hit the motorway i can start to nod off to sleep as now it is a direct route to uni, i have tried to show this with the large part saying motorway being a straight road to Glasgow. Due to me being able to sleep, i sometimes wake up, and to gage where i am - i look at the signs around me. Generally the signs are large and say either M8 or M74, that is why i made these larger. Finally ,with the sun now out and the journey brightened up, i come to Junction 17/ my turn off. The bus rolls down the hill and eventually stops at Buchanan Bus Station. I get off and walk across the road to GCU. The tale of my journey ends.